"Third cancellation for pain management clinic"

About: University Hospital Galway University Hospital Galway / Rheumatology

(as the patient),

Yet again I got a phone call to say my appointment for pain management to receive my epidural injection has been cancelled. This is two consecutive cancellations; needless to say I am feeling so down now because I have waited in chronic pain for nearly a year now. It took 3 years just to get into the pain clinic. How has this happened to us, I say us as I'm sure I'm not the only poor soul that got this dreadful news today. My appointment was scheduled in UHG. The receptionist that rang me today understood my disappointment and frustration, but said something strange in our conversation. She said that hospital management had been advised that if a patient gets seen once in 18 months then that's a good service for the patients! How can anyone let people suffer for such long periods, it's in-humane. If I had a dog that suffered like I do with chronic pain I would ask the vet to put it to sleep for kindness. These cancellations need to be highlighted; people in chronic pain need assistance to help us manage our pain through the right channel as in pain management.

I'm in so much pain I can't sleep. I suffer from chronic arthritis and osteoarthritis in my lumber and cervical spine and knees, I also have fibromyalgia to top it all off.

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