"Sligo Psychiatry of Old Age Mental Health Team"

About: Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services / Sligo Leitrim Psychiatry of Later Life

(as a staff member posting for a carer/relative),

Since my wife's uncle started coming to Liscarney House he has come on in leaps and bounds. He is talking alot more.

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Response from Kevin McLaughlin, Psychiatry of Later Life, Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services 7 years ago
Kevin McLaughlin
Psychiatry of Later Life,
Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services
Submitted on 18/07/2017 at 11:09
Published on Care Opinion Ireland on 19/07/2017 at 10:29

Thank you for your feedback and I apologize in the delay in responding to your comments. I hope that your wife's uncle health has continued to improve and am glad that the acute day hospital has contributed positively towards his recovery. Liscarney House will continue to provide a community based support to those individuals who are experiencing acute mental health difficulties and continues to develop and evolve its programme of intervention to meet the needs of our community. Thanks again for your comments.

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