"Liscarney House Sligo Mental Heath services for older adults"

About: Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services / Sligo Leitrim Psychiatry of Later Life

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

I have been attending the day hospital in Liscarney House for the last number of weeks. I have been welcomed and allowed to discuss anything.

I feel I can tell the staff how I feel. Its very good that I am able to use the phone here if I have to make an appointment. I find that helpful. I enjoy meeting the other people who attend here. The dinners are very good.

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Response from Marguerite Cryan, Team Coordinator, Psychiatry of Old Age, Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services 8 years ago
Marguerite Cryan
Team Coordinator, Psychiatry of Old Age,
Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services
Submitted on 18/01/2017 at 19:32
Published on Care Opinion Ireland on 19/01/2017 at 11:40

Dear patient /service user

Thank you for your posting regarding your positive experience of attending the Acute Day Hospital.

The Acute Day Hospital is situated at Team Base Liscarney House on the Pearse Road Sligo. Patients who attend the day hospital programme can be assessed and have their treatment monitored and have access to different professionals and relevant others. We provide a person centred approach where the focus is on you the patient/service user and your family/carer.

From your account, I am assured that you receive individual based care and I appreciate that you enjoy the dinners as a balanced diet is important to maintain physical psychological and social well being.

We work closely with your GP and others in primary and community care and the programme is time limited to support and encourage you on the road to recovery.

I will share your feedback at team training and at the monthly user group.

Thank You


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