"Understanding staff"

About: Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services / Sligo Leitrim Psychiatry of Later Life

(as a service user),

The staff here at Liscarney House, are very understanding. You don't feel ashamed telling them anything and everyone feels equal.

The last time I was referred here did me a lot of good, it helped me deal with the loss of a child.

Staff here have listened to me where people outside don't understand. I was delighted to be referred back to this service. I know people who come here which helps.

Being re-referred I am more confident, I feel safer, I trust the staff because of my previous experience

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Response from Marguerite Cryan, Team Coordinator, Psychiatry of Old Age, Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services 8 years ago
Marguerite Cryan
Team Coordinator, Psychiatry of Old Age,
Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services
Submitted on 18/01/2017 at 19:12
Published on Care Opinion Ireland on 19/01/2017 at 11:39

Dear Nicolas 346

Thank you for sharing your positive experience of attending Liscarney House Acute Day Hospital. It is great to receive such positve feedback regarding staff's personal and professional attributes. It is reassuring that you find the day hospital programme helpful at this difficult time. I will share your feedback at team training and at the monthly user group

Thank You again
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