Before I went to Hospital {Admission unit SLMHS}, I was very supported by Joanne, Louise and Ruth.
Dr Lally and Joanne seen me at home and said they had a bed for me in hospital. I was terrified. The staff in the hospital were lovely to me and even brought me for walks. I got to see a doctor every day there. Im finding it difficult to part in my recovery but I hope to get better.
I like going to Liscarney Day Hospital because ive met other people who have been in hospital in a similar situation to me. Its nice to talk to people and see familar faces that ive seen at home.
If there is one thing I would change it would be a seperate area to sleep {in Inpatients} for people over 65 because found the hospital worrying/ terrifying at times. it would also be nice to have a wash basin in your room.
"I got to see a doctor every day there"
About: Sligo Leitrim Adult Mental Health Inpatient Unit Sligo Leitrim Adult Mental Health Inpatient Unit Sligo Town Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services / Sligo Leitrim Psychiatry of Later Life Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services Sligo Leitrim Psychiatry of Later Life
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