"communication on phone"

About: Mater Misericordiae University Hospital / Ophthalmology

(as a service user),

my wife attends the eye dept at the mater hospital I have no problem with eye dept they look after her excellent to which I appreciate very much my gripe is why does no body answer the phone in the last week we have made numerous attempts to talk to someone I went through all the proper channels but it made no difference a few weeks back I had to ring eye emergency department and I got no answer

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Response from Cora Herbert, Patient Liaison Manager, Quality & Patient Safety Directorate, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital 6 years ago
Cora Herbert
Patient Liaison Manager, Quality & Patient Safety Directorate,
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
Submitted on 03/08/2018 at 08:06
Published on Care Opinion Ireland at 16:02

I am sorry to read the difficulties you are experiencing in trying to contact the Eye Department. If you could call me directly on (01) 803 2206 or email: patientservices@mater.ie with your wife's details I will assist you with your query. Thank you for bringing your experience to our attention as we are committed to improving our patient experience based on valuable patient feedback.

Regards and thanks again for taking the time to give us your feedback.

Cora Herbert

Patient Liaison Manager

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