"My Mental Health support"

About: Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services

(as the patient),

Great support from the counsellors always, they have your back and they will be there no matter what. They will give you their opinion and advice and that is a great help for me.

I feel Psychiatrists don't listen, no eye contact, and no sympathy whatsoever.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Martin Jones, Alcohol & Substance Misuse Service Manager, Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services, Health Service Executive 5 years ago
Martin Jones
Alcohol & Substance Misuse Service Manager, Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services,
Health Service Executive

Manage the Sligo / Leitrim Alcohol & Substance Misuse Service

Submitted on 03/09/2019 at 14:15
Published on Care Opinion Ireland on 06/09/2019 at 15:07

picture of Martin Jones

Dear Sassy,

Thank you for sharing a sense of your experiences using the service. Just to let you know that your comments have been heard and we hope to be able to respond more fully soon.

Kind Regards,


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