"The mental health team have been very good to me"

About: Donegal Mental Health Services / Adult Mental Health Services

(as a service user),

I have had mental health issues for over 20 yrs off and on and have to say the mental health team have been very good to me in general.

At the moment my mental is good and I just need 6 monthly reviews.

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Response from Maura Finnegan, Principal Clinical Psychologist, Donegal Psychology Dept, Donegal Mental Health Services 3 years ago
Maura Finnegan
Principal Clinical Psychologist, Donegal Psychology Dept,
Donegal Mental Health Services
Submitted on 04/01/2022 at 11:17
Published on Care Opinion Ireland on 05/01/2022 at 08:50

Dear Germc58,

Thank you for your feedback. It is great to hear that your mental health is in a good place for the past few months.


Maura Finnegan, Principal Clinical Psychologist, HSE Donegal

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