My son had a broken humerus, confirmed by x-ray in A&E. The A&E doctor came to speak to me (in front of my young son) and said they think he may need surgery but he will let us know. My child started crying and very panicked with the thoughts of surgery. An hour later the doctor came back and said no we're just going to put him in a sling. I questioned how it went from surgery to just a basic sling and the doctor said that's what they and their colleague agreed and because he is young it will heal itself. Before I left I asked said doctor, how much Paracetamol/Ibuprofen he can have, because they took his weight and worked it out in the hospital, and be told me to just give what it says on the box for his age. After a sleepless night and crying in pain all afternoon, I decided to bring him back to A&E.
The orthopaedic doctor said he definitely needed it in a cast that the sling was too free for him with such a break. I also asked about quantity of Paracetamol/Ibuprofen he can have and it turns out he was allowed double of what I'd been giving him at home. The poor boy was in so much pain and all because he was only getting half of the painkillers he should of been having, because the doctor didn't bother trying to work out the dosage for him.
I am really really unimpressed with my experience the first night. I understand A and E is busy and they are rushed off their feet, but this really should not make the care of the patients any less. I feel there was no need to tell my son he might need surgery in front of him. And I am very angry that he wasn't put in a cast originally.
I spent 6hours the first day and 5 hours the second day in A and E. I should not of had to spend that second day/5hours back in a and e. This is ridiculous.
"Conflicting advice in A&E"
About: Sligo General Hospital / Emergency department Sligo General Hospital Emergency department Sligo Town 0501-2700
Posted by Rtub (as ),
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