I am attending the Psychiatry of Later Life Service, Liscarney Day Hospital, Sligo.
I would like to express my sincere thanks for the caring and professional treatment I am receiving. The doctors, team leaders, and other support personnel are exceptional and have created a calm and safe place in which to deliver services. They are a credit to the HSE and the medical/caring profession as a whole. The running of the facility is also above reproach.
Throughout my working life at management level I experienced effective and ineffective methods of administration, At Liscarney, I recognized only good management practices.
The people of Sligo/Leitrim are indeed fortunate and privileged to have such a brilliant medical facility available to them. More awareness of it is needed locally in my view and the staff’s endeavours to improve and broaden services must be properly supported. This will not only improve immensely the lives of many but it will prove very cost-effective. By supporting and maintaining the general well-being of the elderly population the need for hospitalisation and other institutional care will decrease.
Thank you for being there and for everything you do
"Thank you for being there and everything you do"
About: Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services / Sligo Leitrim Psychiatry of Later Life Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services Sligo Leitrim Psychiatry of Later Life
Posted by gettinphixed (as ),
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