Almost 8 years ago my daughter began attending camhs Letterkenny she was struggling with her mental health, self harming, emotional dis-regulation and was refusing to go to school. She was initially assessed by the psych team and allocated to Aisling, a mental health professional therapist, who after an initial assessment, advocated strongly for her to enter the DBT programme. We undertook the commitment to the programme for 5 months, Aisling explained how she felt this would be of great benefit. DBT consisted of weekly sessions of intensive one to one therapy and group therapy which included family members.
Almost 8 years later my daughter recently received an official diagnosis of EUBPD, which answered a lot of questions, my brother (her uncle) had been also diagnosed in late adulthood and didn’t get the correct therapy until very late in life, he had numerous suicide attempts and extremely difficult journey in his adult life.
I can truly say that the DBT therapy has saved her from a very different life, and along with that teaching us invaluable life long skills to cope, how to react, and respond in challenging situations. She has great insight into her condition now, and the triggers that can exacerbate negative reactions.
I can truly say that I honestly don’t know where we would be today without Aisling and DBT. DBT at this crucial adolescent stage of life, it was invaluable, it has affected how she now responds and reacts, using those life long skills truly has prevented her from going down a very different destructive path in life.
Life is never perfect, but it is so much improved. I am forever thankful to Aisling for her absolute dedication and professionalism towards the children and families in her care , she goes above and beyond, and to all the Camhs team in Letterkenny.
"DBT at this crucial adolescent stage of life"
About: Child and Adolescent Mental Services / CAMHS - North Team Child and Adolescent Mental Services CAMHS - North Team Letterkenny
Posted by alphaqg54 (as ),
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