Making it easier to Feedback in 2021

Update from Care Opinion Ireland

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The new feedback (kiosk) link that has been created by the Care Opinion Development Team is already being used widely in the UK and Australia as an easier way to ask the public to Tell Their Story.  Its particularly suited to these difficult times when there are a lot of telephone and remote consultations.  

Key features:

  1. Simple to use for services.  A unique URL for each service sent out via Text, E mail etc
  2. Simple to use for authors.  Pre-tagged to the service they have used, it shortens and makes easier the story telling process

 To get started, you need three things. We'll expand on these below.

  1. An invitation: simple text to explain what you want, why, and how.
  2. A link: what the patient follows to arrive at Care Opinion In the right way.
  3. A delivery mechanism: how you get the invitation and the link to the patient.

The invitation

Here's some sample text for an invitation to give feedback via Care Opinion. You could alter this to suit your own setting.

Please give us some feedback about your experience of our service by following the link below. You can say what was good, what could have been better, and how you felt.
Your feedback will be handled by Care Opinion, so you remain anonymous. We will be able to read your feedback, and reply to you via the Care Opinion website, but we will not know your identity.
We are using Care Opinion for feedback because it is safe, simple and independent of the HSE. Your feedback can help us learn and improve.

The link

When you invite the patient/service user or carer to post feedback, you give them a link to get them to Care Opinion quickly.  Here is an example of a link to a Sligo service: 

 To make a link, start by finding the service on Care Opinion which the feedback will be about, look to the right of the services for the Kiosk Mode:


Kiosk mode

Follow this to arrive at the kiosk mode page:

If you provide this link to the patient, they will be able to share feedback using our kiosk mode workflow, which is shorter and quicker.

The main disadvantage of kiosk mode is that the feedback can relate only to the one service set in the link. Our moderators will however add in any other services mentioned in a story.  

Learn more about kiosk mode

 The delivery mechanism

So now you have an invitation and a link. How do you get them to the patient?

It depends on your situation and what's available to you. Here are a few ideas:

Online consultations

Can you add the invitation and link to your online system in some way - for example, the start screen, or the post-consultation screen, or an email sent by the system before or after the consultation?

Phone consultations 

If you have email addresses, perhaps the invitation and link could be emailed to patients who've had a phone consultation in the past week?

Text out the link to patient after appointments with the invitation to feedback about their care.

Existing online survey or E mail contact

If you run an online survey already or are following up by e mail,  you might add the invitation and link at the end. Some people who complete the survey will have things (not covered in the survey) they want to tell you. Care Opinion provides a simple way to do that.

Example of this working in a service:  

Karen Marsh, Quality Manager at Inclusion UK  has been working with their substance misuse services to send out the Kiosk Link to their users who are not able to access services in the usual ways.  

Since the start of COVID 19 we have been actively promoting the kiosk mode within our community substance misuse services, this has enabled us to continue to receive feedback on our services during a time of heightened change and anxiety. The kiosk mode means we are able to access a wider variety of service users as it is quicker to complete but still gives the high quality feedback that we require to improve our services.

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