Give your responses a human face


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One of the benefits of Care Opinion is that it allows health services to show that they really are listening to what patients and carers are saying.

But you can go further than giving your service a human voice - you can give it a human face as well.

You can upload a photo of yourself to your personal profile. Then, when you sign a response with your own name, we'll show the photo alongside your response.

Here's an example of how this looks.

Note that we won't show the photo if you sign with just your job title or your organisation.

How to upload a photo to your profile

  1. Log in to Care Opinion.
  2. Make sure you are in subscriber view (see top navigation bar).
  3. Click your name to go to your profile page.
  4. Click [Add or change your personal details].
  5. Click [Add/change your picture].
  6. Click [Choose a new picture].
  7. Browse to the photo you want to use, and click Open.
  8. Crop the photo to show the part you want and click [Use this picture].