Version 2 API: filtering


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Most collections exposed via the API can be filtered. Filters (syn: search terms) are applied by adding them to the request query string.

For opinions, the query string used in filtering the API is the same as that used in searching via the web site. So one way to explore the range of search/filter options and build queries is to experiment using our search page.

If you log into Care Opinion first, you will be able to use the extended story and response search options.

More detailed information on filtering collections is available by following the links on this page.

Skip and take

For most collections, we return a small number of items in a fixed order. For example, we return tags in alphabetic order.

You can skip the first S items in a collection by adding skip=S to your request.

You can ask for the next T items by adding take=T to your request.

In all collections, there is a default and a maximum accepted T.