Learning from online patient stories with Care Opinion


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What is Care Opinion?

Care Opinion is the independent social enterprise, founded by Dr Paul Hodgkin in 2005. They run the award winning national website www.careopinion.ie on which patients, carers and relatives share their real time experiences of health services and the NHS services involved are able to respond and where appropriate, demonstrate improvements.

Care Opinion’s work with health services spans the UK.

Education Subscription

The overall aim of this work is for your HEI department to explore Care Opinion as a tool for systematically and continuously incorporating patient, service user and carer experience into the curriculum in ways which enhance the student’s learning experience at early and crucial points in their professional learning and development.

Working with the Care Opinion platform will create opportunities for staff and students, to see how services and professionals respond to feedback about services in practice and allow students to reflect on public engagement in health services as they move forward with their own professional development. The work will facilitate cost effective access to patients and carers, reducing the requirement for travel, preparation whilst increasing awareness of how patients, carers and the public perceive services and, in addition, will increase general understanding of using social media in a professional capacity.

This subscription will deliver:

  • Setting up staff (and student) login access to the site, with customisable advanced filtering
  • Providing access to real time reporting: advanced filtering by service, tag, phrase, dates, criticality
  • Running on site training workshop session to support key staff in using the Care Opinion website, one of whom needs to be identified as a Site Administrator
  • Facilitating an on site planning workshop with key staff in the use of Care Opinion in teaching and research, and with students
  • Providing ongoing support via WEBINAR, email and telephone to key staff/and identified Site Administrator
  • Use of resources which can be embedded in e-learning environments and will quickly teach students how to find postings, run reports which interrogate the data and highlight themes; Also available are bespoke student assignments and a range of information about using stories in education

 Here are some testimonies from Nursing Students:

I think the site is excellent, reading good stories is always lovely and reading bad ones makes you think about your own practice. It is highly commendable.

The emails alerting us to new stories are great, usually they are really relevant and it’s great that the link on the email logs us in automatically.

The stories are useful because it stimulated us to critique and question the care a person or their relative has received, looking at negative aspects and suggesting improvement, but also positive aspects and learning what matters to people.

It would be useful to have more opportunities to actually discuss the stories in classes or tutorials, but I think the website is a valuable tool for improving future care and the more stories the better!


For information and costs contact tim.hunt@careopinion.ie