How is Care Opinion funded?


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Care Opinion is a non-profit social enterprise. It is registered as a community interest company.

This means that to sustain our mission, we must earn money much like any other company. The majority of our income comes through subscriptions from health and social care organisations which use our service.

In England

In England our subscribers include a mix of large and small health care providers and commissioners, some local healthwatches, and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

In Scotland

In Scotland we are funded centrally by the Scottish Government to provide a service across the NHS. In 2015 and 2018, we were awarded this contract after a formal competitive bidding process.

Other income

We receive a small amount of income from our contributions to research or teaching. From time to time we seek grant funding to support projects which contribute to our mission.

For example, in 2016 we were awarded a grant by Life Changes Trust to support work with Talking Mats, which resulted in the picture stories feature on Care Opinion.

Annual accounts

Our annual accounts are available through the Companies House web site, for Care Opinion CIC and our predecessor company Patient Opinion Ltd.