Subscriber Resources


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We have put to collection of useful resources for subscribers below. Think we have missed anything? Let us know

Introduction to Care Opinion Ireland

Why are we using Care Opinion? An Introduction for staff

Care Opinion Ireland is a not for profit social enterprise that enables people to share their feedback anonymously on the Care Opinion website. Rather than a questionnaire, people are asked to simply “tell your story”. People are able to anonymously explain their experience in their own words and are asked what was good and what could be improved. The story is then moderated and if appropriate, published on the website (publicly) and sent to staff that can read and respond to the feedback. 

A useful tool when training staff on what Care Opinion is about and what our key Aims & Objectives are as well as our Vision, Mission & Values. We have developed the below PowerPoint Presentation which can be downloaded and used as part of staff training.

Staff & Volunteer Resource Pack

If you would like to hear more stories from the people who use your services, then think about how your staff and volunteers are encouraging people to feed back on Care Opinion.

To help you with this process, we have developed a practical set of resources, handily named our staff and volunteer resource pack. This resource pack has been designed to help train and guide members of staff or volunteers through the process of supporting people sharing their feedback on Care Opinion.

The resource pack is comprised of 5 parts or 'steps', you can download and print out the entire pack, or view the individual steps on the following pages, where you can also download the pages/steps to print individually. For training purposes, you may find it beneficial to send them a link to this page as well download and print the full resource pack

If you need to just download & print off the 'Taking a story form' you can click the link below:

We also have developed a quick start up guide which is a condensed version of the 10 page resource pack. this can be used to roll out to staff & volunteers as a quick tool to help them support authors/service users to tell their story at Care Opinion Ireland. To download the form click the link below:

Promotional material for printing

We have made some of our promotional material available for organisations to print.

Care Opinion Ireland - Print materials