Activity statistics on Care Opinion


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On some Care Opinion pages we show activity statistics. It may not always be clear what these numbers mean, so this page provides a little explanation.

Statistics on the home page

Stories told

This is the total number of stories you can read on Care Opinion. It includes stories submitted directly to Care Opinion, as well as stories which were submitted to NHS Choices (England only) and imported to Care Opinion.

Staff listening

The is the total number of health and care service staff and learners (health and care staff in training) registered on Care Opinion who can receive email alerts when we publish stories relevant to them. Some of these staff and learners can also post responses on the site.

See a chart of the 25 organisations with the most staff involved.

These are only the staff we can count. We know that many other health and care service staff, researchers and educators also use Care Opinion, but are not registered to receive alerts or respond.

Stories receiving a response

This is the percentage of stories posted in the past 30 days which have received at least one response. The figure is based on stories submitted directly to Care Opinion, not including stories imported from NHS Choices.

Because responses sometimes get posted after a delay, the percentage of stories with a response gradually increases over time. So the number we show here is lower than the percentage of stories on Care Opinion which will eventually receive a response.

Responses to concerns leading to a change

Ultimately, we want stories on Care Opinion to help improve health and care - and to do so in ways which everyone can see and understand.

The number we show here is one way (but not the only way) to put a figure on the improvements which can result from patient and carer stories.

We show the percentage of responses where the response indicates that a change is planned, or has been made. But you would not expect a change to be made for every story - for example, about 45-50% of stories are entirely positive and no change is needed. You might only expect to see changes in response to stories which raise a concern.

So this figure only includes responses to concerns - that is, where there is at least something (even if it is only a tiny thing) which could be improved.

Again, because there can be a delay in a response appearing or a change being indicated, the percentage of responses to concerns which show a change increases gradually as you wait longer.

Are the numbers high enough?

Are the statistics on Care Opinion higher than you expected, or lower than you expected?

The team at Care Opinion works hard to involve, encourage and support health anc care service organisations and staff in reading and responding to the stories people have contributed. We are not part of the NHS and there is only so much we can do.

But if you feel your local health and care services should be more involved, perhaps there is something you can do?