Help with scheduled reports


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You can turn collections of stories on Care Opinion into reports, and save them as PDF, Word or Excel files.

You might want to create a report, and then have the latest version sent to you or colleagues on a regular basis.

For example:

  • you might want a listing of all your new stories and responses sent to you and your manager every other week
  • you might want a summary of stories on Care Opinion sent to committee members every 3 months

You can do this by creating a scheduled report.

How to create a scheduled report

There a three steps to creating a scheduled report:

  1. Create the report you want
  2. Give the report a name, and save it
  3. Add the delivery schedule, and who we should deliver it to

1: Create the report you want

You create a report by first searching for the set of stories you want to include, and then saving that search as a report.

We have detailed help on how to do this.

At this stage it is a good idea to preview the report to make sure it is what you want.

2: Give the report a name and save it

You can give your report any name you like. (We will have suggested a name based on your search, but you can change it.)

3: Add the delivery schedule and recipients

Once your report is saved, you can make it a scheduled report with the calendar button, which looks like this:

Use this button to schedule your report

You can do this either at the time you save the report, or later. To see all the reports you have saved, and add or remove schedules, make sure you are logged in and in subscriber view, then go to your profile page.

When you first add a schedule to your report, we will give you some standard delivery settings to get you started:

  • the schedule will be "the first Monday of every month". Follow the link to change this to the weekly, monthly or annual schedule you want
  • the format will be "PDF". You can change this to the format you prefer
  • the report will be delivered to "you alone". You can add any members of your subscription you want to receive the report, and keep yourself on/off the list as you wish

If you decide to keep the report, but you don't want us to deliver it any more, you can remove the schedule with this button:

Remove the schedule from your report

Or you can delete the report completely with the Remove button.