Working with the third sector


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We offer health and adult social related voluntary and third sector organisations a free basic registration to encourage their involvement in online conversations.

With Care Opinion, you can:

  • Get immediate access to the latest stories relating to your area of interest, eg dementia, stroke, diabetes, depression (these stories can also be selected by location);
  • Use this feedback to inform discussions with your local health and social care providers;
  • Identify emerging themes in stories related to your area of interest;
  • Respond to stories online, putting across your view, raising your online profile and widening public understanding of your role;
  • Keep track of which services are responding to and acting on feedback and which are not;
  • Show you take feedback seriously by bringing real-time feedback onto your own site with our feeds or easy to use widget.

How can Third Sector provider organisations get involved?

Third sector organisations providing services for adults registered with the Care Inspectorate are encouraged to register with Care Opinion, so that you can start to receive and respond to stories about your services.

All we need are contact details of two members of staff who can respond on behalf of the organisation.

Third sector interfaces

We'd love to work with you to spread the word to the health and social care organisations you support.

Download our information leaflet and watch the video below for an overview of how we can work together.Feel free to download and Use this video on your own site to help encourage other voluntary organisations to connect with Care Opinion, you can also download this presentation with accompanying notes to allow you to tell others about Care Opinion.

Want to know more?

If you want to know more about working with Care Opinion in Scotland, please get in touch with us.

Tel: +44 (0) 1786 235984
email: | web: 

Follow us on Twitter @careopinionscot and Facebook.
