6th December


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NHS GGC & Care Opinion's Collaborative Responder Training.

Today we celebrate NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. The pandemic threw up a lot of challenges for the NHS, one of which was continued training and development for front line staff responding to stories on Care Opinion.

NHS GGC reinforced their commitment to using Care Opinion by taking an integrated approach and became the first board in Scotland to provide bespoke collaborative responder training with Care Opinion.

This helped to ensure the right staff were responding to authors and saw an increase of front- line staff responding by 36% from last year.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde had this to say……

“NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde provides training for staff before they become Care Opinion responders. One of our key aspirations is to host virtual and accessible training sessions. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde works in partnership with Care Opinion to deliver training that embeds a culture of listening, learning and being responsive to feedback, in order to support the ongoing improvement in quality of care for those receiving our services.”

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