Why use Care Opinion?


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  1. Statistics tell you what people think about your services. Stories tell you why people feel the way they do about their experience. Patient stories are crucial to providing and commissioning the best services possible, and in understanding how to improve the patient journey.
  2. Gathering qualitative information is traditionally expensive and resource intensive. It takes time and money for a member of staff to interview patients about the service they have received. Care Opinion acts as an easy, cost effective and efficient tool for collecting and engaging with stories.With our online, postal and telephone feedback service, you will reach a wide and more representative range of people.
  3. The House of Commons Health Select Committee recently noted that it saw "great value in providers constantly viewing the comments left about them on websites such as Care Opinion… ...the Committee strongly supports the use of tools that allow patients to give feedback anonymously and that can demonstrate that changes have been made to service provision based on feedback received.” Additionally, the Cabinet Office cited Care Opinion as an example of best practice in the government consultation on transparency and open data.
  4. Our team have seven years experience of working with patient feedback. Care Opinion can help you get 100% out of this rich source of information. From the stories posted online we can help you train staff, generate reports, motivate your workforce and provide evidence about quality of your services, e.g. for CQUIN. 
  5. Care Opinion is key to engaging with patient feedback. More than 130 healthcare organisations currently use Care Opinion including:
      • NHS acute trusts
      • Health Boards
      • NHS ambulance trusts
      • NHS mental health trusts and care trusts
      • NHS primary care trusts, PBC consortia, Scottish health boards and Welsh local health boards
      • LINks/HealthWatch
      • Social enterprises/CICs
      • National and local patient groups
      • Voluntary and Third sector organisations

To find out more or talk to us about a tailored subscription package, please contact Miriam on 0114 281 6256 or Miriam.Rivas-Aguilar@careopinion.ie