Campaign links


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A "campaign link" is a special kind of link you can give to people to invite feedback.

Why is a campaign link useful?

Usually, you would invite online feedback by asking people to visit Care Opinion to tell their story. They would arrive at the Care Opinion home page, and then follow the "tell your story" process.

Often, that is good enough. But sometimes you might want:

  • to invite stories about a particular service
  • to know which stories were told in response to your invitation
  • to have particular tags added to these stories

Campaign links help you do all these things.

What does a campaign link look like?

A campaign link looks something like this:

The text at the end of the link (after the last forward slash) is the "name" of the link. When you create a campaign link yourself, you can use any names which are meaningful for you or your patients. For example, you might create links like:


(In case you are wondering, the number in the link is the number of your subscription.)

When followed, any campaign link will take you to our story telling page. When the user shares their story, the link has two special powers:

  • It can make sure that the story being told is automatically linked to the health service you specify (unless the story author decides to unlink it)
  • It can make sure that the story told is automatically tagged with any tags you specify

Creating a campaign link

To create a campaign link, you'll need to be logged into your subscription on Care Opinion. Your subscription will need to have the campaign links feature.

See the features available in your subscription

Open the "drawer" using the green menu icon, and select "Tags and links" from the navigation menu. Then follow the Campaign links link on that page (you must be logged in).

If any campaign links have already been created in your subscription, you will see them listed.

Create a new link by selecting the "New campaign link" button. You will see this form:

Link name

Your link needs a name. The name you choose will be part of the link when you share it, so pick a name which is meaningful for you or for your patients/users.

For example "outreach-service". (The name can only have letters, numbers or hyphens, and cannot have any spaces).

Healthservice code (optional)

If you want a specific health service to be linked to stories told with this link, enter the health service code here. You can find the code you need by visiting the page for the service.

For example, suppose we want a link to invite stories about the walk in centre at East Surrey Hospital. When you visit that page you'll see the address of the page is:

The code of the service is the text following the last forward slash. In this case rtp04-walk-in-centre.

As a shortcut, there is also a link from each service page to create a campaign link with the service code already entered. You'll see it next to the Kiosk mode link at lower right of the service page if you are logged in:

So if you prefer you can start from the service page, follow this link, and then add the link name and tags.

Tags (optional)

If you want specific tags to be added to stories told using your link, enter them in the tag box. You can add tags which appear in the list or make up your own tags (use the green plus icon to add each tag).

By default, the tags you specify will be added to the story with "shared" visibility. This means the tags will be visible only to other members of your subscription. If you want a tag to be visible to everyone, select the setting icon on the tag to change its visibility.

More about story tags

To remove a tag from the campaign link, select the setting icon and then select "Don't add this tag".

Select the "Create" button to save your new tag. 

Editing or deleting campaign links

To edit or delete your campaign link, select it from the list of campaign links. You can change the name of the link, the health service, or the tags.

Editing or deleting campaign links will have no effect on stories already told using that link.

Using the campaign link

You can copy or follow the link using the icons in the last column of the list of campaign links.

Copy the link and use it to invite feedback in any way you like. For example, you might include the link in emails, letters, cards, or on web pages or in video conferencing systems.

When the link is used to tell a story, we don't save data on which link was used to tell that story. If that matters to you, you should ensure the link adds a tag with the information you want. For example, if you had a link called "spring-campaign-2020" and you wanted to track all stories posted with just that link, then you could tell the link to add a tag such as "spring-campaign-2020". Then to find all stories told with that link, just search for that tag.

More information on inviting feedback about remote consultations