Using Care Opinion after remote consultations


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We have all seen a very rapid shift to remote consultations in many settings. This creates a new need for rapid feedback (how well do these new approaches work? What needs improving?). It also creates a new opportunity, especially if both staff member and service user are already online - just send a link!

 Inviting feedback about remote consultations via Care Opinion

You need three things.

  1. An invitation: simple text/email to explain what you want, why, and how.
  2. A link: You have two options here. You can give people the tell your story link pre tagged to your service or you can send a Care Opinion Kiosk mode link that is pre-tagged to your service. The Kiosk link works best if you know people will use a mobile device because  people can feedback quickly & simply without visiting the full website.
  3. A delivery mechanism: how you get the invitation and the link to the person. This could be in chat box during the consultation or, by email or text after the consultation. We have more information in this below.

The invitation

We know services that directly ask for feedback, receive more feedback. Yoou will need some text you can share as part of the invitation to give feedback, for example:

[paste feedback link for you service here]

Please give us some feedback about your experience of our service by following the link below. You can say what was good, what could have been better, and how you felt.

Your feedback will be handled by Care Opinion, so you remain anonymous.

We are using Care Opinion for feedback because it is safe, simple and your feedback can help us learn and improve.

The feedback link

When you invite someone to post feedback, you give them a link to get them to Care Opinion quickly. The simplest link is our home page:

But  we have two options that are better than this, which will help the person get their feedback to the right service quickly and reliably. We have two different links at the moment, that anyone can use.

To make a link, start by finding the service on Care Opinion which the feedback will be about.

For example, imagine the Lawson Practice in Hackney wants to invite feedback about their service. The practice is on Care Opinion is here:

From here, the practice can navigate to either of the links they needs.

Standard "tell your story" link

On the right hand side of the service there is a blue button captioned "Tell your story - make a difference". 

The Practice would lick the button to arrive at this page:

Copy the page address (in the browser address bar). If you provide this type of link to people they will be able to tell a story using Care Opinion's standard workflow. The service code in the link ("nacs=xxxx") will be used to ensure we suggest that service at the right time in the process.

Kiosk mode

A second option is to provide a link to the "kiosk mode" for the service. Again, start from the service page, and look lower on the right hand side. You'll see a text link to "kiosk mode" above the twitter and facebook links

Follow this to arrive at the kiosk mode page. For the Lawson Practice in this example this would be:

If you provide this link type of link to people they will be able to share feedback using our kiosk mode workflow, which is shorter and quicker. This suits mobile devices, with touch screens better.

The main disadvantage of kiosk mode is that the feedback can relate only to the one service set in the link. But this is unlikely to be a problem in the current context.

See more detailed instructions about how to create this link

Learn more about kiosk mode

The delivery mechanism

You then need a way to send the link to people who have had a remote consultation. This could be via text, email or web message.

Phone consultations

If you are providing phone consultations, you can text out the invitation & link to people who've had a phone consultation in the past week. This would work only for mobile phone numbers. You could also follow up by email if you are able to.

Group consultations

After group consultations you can email out the invitation with the feedback link to people who have attended group sessions or on-line meetings, this could be done prior to or post meeting. The feedback link will work on computers and all mobile devices.