Care Opinion in England


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“Hear the patient voice at every level – even when that voice is a whisper” Berwick Report, August 2013

Care Opinion is all about connection, collaboration and change.

Patients and the public want to experience high quality health and social care – and, almost always, staff want to provide it. We think, through online feedback, we can help patients and carers to help staff to provide the best care they can.

Care Opinion is the UK’s leading independent feedback website, enabling patients and public to share their experiences of healthcare services. As a not-for-profit social enterprise, we help facilitate dialogue between patients and providers. Care Opinion is an easy, cost effective and efficient tool for hearing from and engaging with your patients, carers and service users.

After 14 years of working with a broad range of organisations, we have learnt that it takes an honest and balanced approach to create a place where these constructive conversations can happen. Read here what our CEO James Munro has to say about this citizen centred approach.

Care Opinion gives busy staff access to relevant real-time feedback

Public stories are most useful when they get to the right staff. With Care Opinion, your staff will be notified about feedback that is relevant to them. This is all automated, simple to use and in real time. 

Your patients can see how you listen and act on feedback

Care Opinion makes it easy for feedback to be transparent and accountable. Use the website to manage your reputation, as Care Opinion is the only place where everyone can see whether your organisation is listening and improving. Publicly show that your staff are listening to and engaging with feedback, and show when you make a change.

We will work with you to ensure that the information you get through Care Opinion integrates with any of your existing feedback mechanisms.

Use Care Opinion in your local conversations about care

Being public isn’t just about transparency. It’s what allows the stories on Care Opinion to be used by anyone who can help make care better. Lots of people want to help – and lots of people can help. Care providers, commissioners, patient groups, Healthwatches, policymakers, MPs, educators, researchers... We’re built for sharing.  Make the most of your local partnerships, with a joined up approach to getting impact from feedback across all relevant stakeholders.

To find out more or talk to us about a tailored subscription package, please contact our sales team on 0114 281 6256 or