Using Care Opinion as a commissioner


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Care Opinion is a powerful, innovative and cost-effective tool for delivering patient engagement in a transparent way. Working with Care Opinion also helps you to meet Domain 2 of a CCG’s authorisation process, which requires evidence of “meaningful engagement with patients, carers and communities”.

We have a presentation video which introduces Care Opinion to Commissioners who subscribe with us, or are looking to subscribe with us, which we recommend you watch!

Commissioner Presentation from CareOpinion on Vimeo.

"We use Care Opinion as a key quality tool. Our “harvest report” makes use of PO information and analysis, and is a standing item for our quality meetings with providers. Also because the information is publicly shared and anonymous we can discuss individual cases and outcomes at our governing body public meetings.”

Jonathon Fagge, Chief Executive Officer, NHS Norwich CCG

Care Opinion supports the move to integrate health and social care

Care Opinion has expanded to cover adult social care too.  We are able to provide a fully integrated approach to getting feedback across these services.  

"We have used the rich narrative of Care Opinion stories, combined with other methods of collecting feedback on patient experience, to build a picture of local views on our healthcare services.  Now that feedback about adult social care services is available through Care Opinion, we are excited about being able to unify these local conversations about care across all the services that matter to the people of Sheffield.”

Kevin Clifford, Chief Nurse, Sheffield CCG

See how your providers engage with online feedback

Care Opinion give you access to feedback from the people who use the services you commission. See which providers are responding to stories, and when they make improvements.

“Patient feedback is instrumental to the measurement, maintenance and monitoring of safety. Feedback should be collected as far as possible in real time and be responded to as quickly as possible.” Berwick Report, August 2013

Monitor the appropriate and accurate responsiveness of providers with our real-time metrics and suite of easy to create reports. Supports Domain 4 of NHS Outcomes Framework: Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care. With Care Opinion, you can demonstrate your willingness to listen to positive and negative comments and respond to them in a way that is honest, open, supportive and constructive.   

Use our feedback to inform commissioning decisions

Use stories from Care Opinion to triangulate with your other sources of feedback to inform commissioning decisions. Feedback from across health and social care pathways helps you to develop or transform services based on patient needs and preferences.

"Care Opinion is an important part of how we pull together information, views and experiences from many sources. Care Opinion can also be very important when we are changing, reviewing or improving services, allowing us to understand patient stories, and what really matters to people who use the services we commission.”

Helen Wyatt, Patient and Public Engagement Manager, Rotherham CCG

Using Care Opinion, you can also get feedback about specific services or on certain themes, such as dementia, diabetes or end of life care. This allows you to consult on service redesign and to improve care pathways across health and social care.

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