Top Tips for CCGs to get started


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To get most benefit from Care Opinion, we recommend you work closely with our subscriber support team. They will discuss and develop a bespoke implementation plan with you to meet your specific needs.  

In the short term, here are some quick and easy ways to get up and running with Care Opinion:

  • Identify all staff members you would like to add to your subscription and email us a list using this template. We will then set them up with email alerts and scheduled reports.
  • Add our story displaying and story submission widgets to your website, and make sure they are easy to find.
    • To get a story displaying widget for your CCG, follow these simple instructions and use your CCG name as the search term.
    • For the story submission widget, please follow these instructions.
  • Put the Care Opinion animation on your website, by clicking share and embed and giving the relevant code to your web team.
  • Tell the public about Care Opinion via a press release and use social media for regular calls to action. 
  • Tell CCG staff and your member practices about Care Opinion, and involve your patient involvement groups.
  • Write to your providers about how and why you are intending to use Care Opinion.
  • Write blogs on Care Opinion to tell people about what you are doing, ask questions and show changes you have made. 
  • Integrate Care Opinion into your existing communications and patient engagement strategy. See Care Opinion as another engagement channel for you to use.