Linking your blog post


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Before or after you publish a blog post, you can add tags and services to your post.

Adding tags and services has two different functions:

  • it helps describe your post so it is easier to find
  • it enables us to display your post on other pages

Both will help more people to find your blog post.

We'll also be adding more ways for people to navigate and search within your blog (as well as across all the blogs on Care Opinion).

Adding tags to your post

You should add tags to your post which help describe what it is about. You can add as many tags as you like.

For example, if you are posting about changes to disabled parking spaces, you might tag the post with [parking], [disabled parking], [parking charges], [accessibility].

Adding services to your post

If you post is about one or more particular services, you can link the post to those services (just like stories are linked to services).

You can link at the level of an organisation, or a part of the organisation, according to the services within your subscription.

For example, a post about parking at Tameside Hospital could be linked to the hospital itself. A post about the angiography suite at the hospital could be linked to the cardiology service.

How we use tags and services to show your post on other pages

When you add tags and services to your post, we use them to help us show your post on other pages on Care Opinion.

On service pages

On a service page, we will show blog posts linked to that service (or its descendant services). To begin with, we just show the latest three posts for the service.

On story pages

When you publish your post, we link it to up to 200 stories within your subscription.

We select posts in the past year, within the scope of your subscription, which are

  • about any of the services your post is linked to, and
  • share any of the tags you added to your post

Before you publish your post, you can see how many stories it will be linked to. You can follow the link to see which stories they are.

Once the post is published, we don't add or remove any links, even if you add or remove tags and services.