Manage your responses


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A blog is more than a list of posts. Ideally, it is a conversation between you and your readers.

How do I allow or disallow responses?

When you add a new post to your blog, you can decide whether you want to allow people to post responses to it.

Once a new post is saved, you'll see a link on the right showing whether responses are allowed. Use this to allow or disallow responses. You can do this either before or after you publish your post.

You can also set a fixed period (30 days or 60 days), after which responses will be automatically disallowed. This is useful because it saves you having to worry about spam comments being posted long after your post is current.

How do I moderate responses to my post?

When someone adds a response to your post we will send you an email.

You can also check whether there are any responses to moderate by selecting the "Responses to moderate" tab in your blog page.

Responses which require moderation will be clearly shown below your blog post. You can accept or reject each response, as you wish.

Bear in mind that if you reject a response, the response author might reasonably ask why.

Can I respond to my own post, or to the responses?

Yes you can. Just post a response like anyone else. It's good to keep the conversation going!