Care Opinion in Wales


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Care Opinion is used by all Welsh health boards. In addition Care Opinion is used by:

NHS Wales white paper on patient experience

In 2015 NHS Wales published Listening and learning to improve the experience of care, a white paper on patient experience.

The white paper notes that:

  • "Listening" must be a planned activity, built into the structures of NHS Wales organisations to ensure it happens
  • Listening to patient experiences relating to first and lasting impressions can reveal areas where changes can be made that will matter to patients
  • Organisations exhibiting a genuine willingness to listen will be in a position to provide better care to their patients and will identify ways to improve more quickly.

Care Opinion can be a key element in supporting these goals. However, no Welsh health board is yet using Care Opinion's advanced tools, or attempting to scale up its use of online feedback.

Welsh Language on Care Opinion

It is possible to view Care Opinion in Welsh by using the "select language" widget at the top of every page. This is a machine translation so it may not always be high quality.

As we develop our language capabilities further, we aim to provide Care Opinion in human-translated Welsh.

It is possible to post a story or a response in Welsh if you wish. Because the current moderation team does not include Welsh speakers, this may lead to a short delay before the story or response can be published.