Understanding and managing your subscription


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To use Care Opinion as a staff member, you need to be a member of a current subscription or registration.

A subscription usually represents a single organisation in the health/care system, but some subscriptions represent clinical teams, patient groups, elected representatives or others with a role in improving health/care quality.

To find out whether you are in a subscription, log into Care Opinion. Then open the "drawer" by selecting the green menu icon at top-left.

If you are in a subscription, it will be shown under your name in the drawer, like this:

If you don't have a green menu icon, or you can't see a subscription name, then you are not a member of a current subscription.

I've forgotten my password

When you first received a login for Care Opinion, you will have been sent an email with your password and can change this to something more memorable. If you forget your current password don't worry you can re-set your password at any time by clicking the link below:

Re-set my password

You may have lots of questions about Care Opinion.

To find out more download our FAQs

When you use Care Opinion as a member of staff in a health/care organisation, you will almost always want to be logged into your subscription.

The "scope" of your subscription determines which stories and responses you can respond to, report on, be alerted to, and so on.

Although we refer to these as "your stories", bear in mind that

  • each story actually belongs to the person who wrote it
  • each story may be read, responded to or use for learning and change by other organisations apart from yours

In using Care Opinion, you'll need to become familiar with a few simple tasks:

For more information on understanding and managing your subscription, follow the links on this page.