Freeze or unfreeze members


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If you are a subscription ‘Administrator’ you can freeze and un-freeze members on your subscription. This feature allows you to make the most of your active members at any one time.

If you are up to your member limit and need to add new members to the subscription you have the option to freeze active members to free up a log in. This may include a staff member on leave or away from work for a period of time.

  • To freeze a` member: click the "Members" link in the green navigation drawer at the top left of the page. Then click "Freeze members or view those already frozen’. Here you can see which members are active or frozen. Click on the active members name, then use the ‘>’ button to freeze that selected member. You can also select multiple users by holding down the ‘Ctrl’ key or freeze all by using the ‘>>’ button.
  • To un-freeze a` member: Click on the frozen members name, then use the ‘<’ button to un-freeze that selected member.